Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Who's reaching out to capture the moment?

The question of the day is this: If you recently got a new job, just where is that money that mysteriously disappeared from Lut Gholein?

Also, I just finished read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. After the flambouyant beginning of the book I enjoyed the rest of it, especially the parts about puppies. Actually I just don't have much to say about it, there aren't puppies in it, but it made me think about that movie with Sean Connery in it. I think it was sad that Dorian died just as decides to change, I think he should have given his "new" lifestyle a little more than a day to assess for a change in the portrait, he might not have been disappointed then.

Also I played Brothers in Arms for the Xbox (of course). This game was pretty cool, although I've only played it for a about 15 minutes. It is a squad based first person shooter. I'm not sure I want to buy it, but I wouldn't mind playing for a little bit longer. I am going to buy Fable sometime soon, and possibly Battlefront, and probably Soul Calibur Du.


Jules said...

The dingo ate your money.

The Reimbursor said...

Everyone knows it's Windy. But seriously, it's Windy.

The Reimbursor said...

Hi Film Noir genre. Why aren't you capturing the moment and additioning to this blog?