Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I have returned from exile in Iraq, (where I dined on honeydew). I have been back for about two months now, but I 've been so busy updating my email account profiles and top ten lists that I haven't been able to write something here. In the future I pledge to attempt to try to keep this site free from the comment robot invaders, because if anyone finds out about how to make $1000 a week starring gooey eyed at a computer screen all day it will be directly from me. In my new admistration I also pledge to invent a new robot that will combat the 'bad' robots, or magicians (whatever they are) that are taking over our society.

Anyway, I haven't really been doing anything, but working on med school applications. In the future I will be playing Diablo II in the evening after little girls go to bed, so maybe there could be a convergence, but only if all the planets align I'm sure.


The Reimbursor said...

I can't believe I haven't commexxd on this bloxx yet. I enjoy with this blox.

Jules said...

Well I guess this is the wrong place to advertise my make-$1000-a-week program. It works, it really works!