Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Late-Breaking News

I just accidently applied for a job online. I thought there would be a final submit button, but there wasn't see and my application was not quite complete. It is kind of embarrassing, and now I will never get that job as a pastry chef I so longed for.

Also, I haven't blogged in a while and its because I have been working so hard on my Fable character, who has developed substantial horns, red eyes, and an ominous red smoke that eminates from his person.

Really though, I haven't worked a night shift for a while and so I haven't had the necessary boredom to precipitate a blog. I just answered the phone.
Is anyone going to see Sin City? I am. I'm also going to see Darbie O'Gill when its released on IMAX in a couple of months. They digitalized the king of leperachans as he rides away in the carriage it should be awesome.

There is a new LOST on tomorrow.


Jules said...

I would like to see these horns. Do people call him Hellboy?

Jules said...

I guess there are no blogging machines in Africa.

The Reimbursor said...

He's not in Africa. He's in Westphalia.