Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Ms. Nelson is Missing

By "Ms. Nelson" I mean The Reimbursor. If you haven't noticed he hasn't posted a blog for a couple of weeks now. I urge all those who care about morals and ethics to post a slanderous comment on his blog.

This night, well actually last night now, I saw The Incredibles-- Pixar Studio's classic depiction of a girl and her beloved dog on a cross country journey by rail set in the early 20th century. It was emotional and stirring to see someone so dedicated to finding the treasure.

Tomorrow LOST is on, and one should admit that it is a better show than American Idol.


Jules said...

LOST is better than a lot of shows, including American Idol.

I eagerly anticipate your true feelings on The Incredibles and the bear/cougar fight.

The Reimbursor said...

My name is Smeagol and my favorite artist is Emma Bunton.

Jules said...

Yeah, you wish. You wish you were me!