Thursday, December 30, 2004

Christmas Round-Up

I had a great Christmas. Among other things I got an XBOX, which is pretty cool in my opinion. I have been playing The Third Age and Halo 2. I own The Third Age, so I am pretty far. Right now I am defending Osgiliath with Faramir's measly help. I want to try Fable next, since I've heard good things about it.

Also has anyone read Dune, or seen the movie? It is pretty wierd, but kind of hynotic also.

I haven't watched much tv, except Fear Factor or Just Shoot Me late at night. That is what happens when all I do is play a console.

1 comment:

The Reimbursor said...

Fable? Hey Frumix, it sounds like you may be in danger or becoming an RPG geek. But since you are an RPG geek now, you should play as well Morrowind too. Because you're a geek.