Thursday, September 02, 2004

Bring Me My Monocle

I am, of course, at work.

At long last it is possible that I have found an apartment, which means that I can finally try and grow a goatee.

Also I just got gmail. Which obviously means I'm gcool.

In other news: I have watched Donnie Darko about 3 times since I last blogged. Doing that reminds me of The Fugitive;I don't really need to explain that. I also watched Silverado, Hidalgo, Tombstone, and Open Range. The best one of those was Open Range, which was B+ material.

Contrary to popular opinion, one of the more entertaining movies ever is The Fast and The Furious. Also contrary to popular opinion I do more than watch movies when I don't have work. I went on a hike yesterday, with the dog.


Jules said...

DUDE, I only mean that F&F is not a "good" movie in the way that Crouching Tiger or Prisoner of Azkaban are good movies.

Jules said...

Hey, gmork--why don't you gmail me?