Monday, September 20, 2004

Cause she's the cheese, and I'm

I haven't blogged in about a week and I don't really have an excuse. I woke up this morning giddy because I get to move into our new apartment today. It will be a grand adventure.

Other than that, there is nothing really going on. I watched The Cell which is pretty messed up. I watched The Lord of the Rings the animated adventure which was interesting.

Does anyone remember a couple of years ago when it was chic to blame things on El Nino? Well I feel like it would be a good time to start another such trend so we can all feel a little better about ourselves by blaming our problems on another inanimate object. Perhaps this is a trend that is already developing, but I thought it would be easy to blame my problems on spyware. It is an easy thing to do, watch. When I died playing Dungeon Siege yesterday I simply swore at the spyware that obviously affected my performance. "@#$%ing SPYWARE!! You made me die!", and then I added (correctly) "Piece of @#$% SPYWARE! You made me forget to quick save my game! @#$%#$% %@#$%@#!!, Now I have to do it all over again!! @#$@#%@". It made me feel better to know that it wasn't actually my fault, but some neblous power exerting its evil influence on to my recreation time. So if you have problems that you don't want to soil your good name, try spyware I promise you'll feel right as rain.


The Reimbursor said...

Don't feel bad, young frumix. Spyware happens to the best of us. And since I'm the best of us, I set the trend for spyware happening to the best of us. Is Hi-Speid Internet waiting for you at your new house? If not, you'll be the fool! Shampoo will play you for the fool!

Jules said...

I tried to email %@#$% to say hello but it didn't work.

Tyler said...

The Spyware has you.

The Reimbursor said...

Get your diploma from home!

Jules said...

What a bunch of clowns.

The Reimbursor said...

Get all your Meds for free from Canada!