Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I've had a change of heart about Stargate

I know, I know, I've been saying it for years - there is no way I'll ever watch Stargate. At the moment I am watching it, well, it is paused for a couple of hours while my wife is at work, but here's the kicker, I kind of like it. Not in any Gladiator, or Saving Private Ryan way, but I've enjoyed it so far, but then again, what I have seen so far has been pretty much free of aliens. There is something about aliens that if they are done wrong they will end a movies usefulness.

Also I am reading About A Boy by Nick Rivers, I mean Hornby, and that is also surprisingly good. I do find that I read it (in my head, of course) in the best Hugh Grant voice my mind can do. I also decided that I wholly subscribe to using my time in half hour blocks.


Jules said...

The reason you like Stargate is because Kurt Russell is the best actor in the history of everything, and is always good in whatever movie he's in. He's also good in any movie he's not in. Or so I am often told.

And I also had a Hugh Grant voice going during About a Boy. Enhances the reading, I think. Using a Kurt Cobain voice didn't work as well.

The Reimbursor said...

Hey bee people, I think that Frumix is talking about the series called Stargate SG-1. It's about Gladiators from the future that alter the past in WW1. But what this all means to us is that Frumix is now a Stargatey. Poor frumix. Poor poor frumix.

The Reimbursor said...

Dear Frumix:
This is your cous-cous talking. Don't watch Stargay. It's not a good show. It has MacGuyer in it. He can make hat from a lobster and a stick.

The Reimbursor said...

How do we know you're not Nick Rivers?

The Reimbursor said...

This isn't the Howard Johnsons