Wednesday, August 18, 2004


This one time in Basic Training I saw something pretty funny. It was mainly funny because it wasn't happening to me, which is why a lot of things are funny in Basic Training.

So we were all lined up for lunch, as a company (about 200 men), and these guys from another company want to get in front of us. Of course they have to ask the Drill Sergeant if they can pass, so they meekly approach DS Sanders. They ask permission to go ahead of us because their company has already eaten and these guys were guarding weapons or something. DS Sanders looks at them and asks if the soldier means all of them, (there were about 5). The private answers "yes", DS Sanders then gets in face about letting other soldiers in front of his own, then he lines them up so they all face him. He walks up and down the short line a couple of times then stops and smiles back at us and says, "Watch this." Starting at the first soldier he yells, "Shut the !@#$ up!", and then moves on to the next soldier, "Shut the !@#$ up!", until he gets to the last soldier, the one who had asked in the first place and he says, "What do you think I'm going to say?" The obedient soldiers says, "Shut the !@#$ up." Just as he finishes the last word DS Sanders is in his face. "YOU TELLING ME TO SHUT UP!!! WHO THE !@#$ DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! I'M A DRILL SERGEANT!! YOU SHUT THE !@#$ UP!!!" and much more. It was really funny, and after we all stopped laughing he let them go eat in front of us.

Well that was all I could think of to write at the moment.


The Reimbursor said...

Hey, I like your style. So what did Colonel Sanders say to those guys? The link to what he said is broken.

Jules said...

Have you seen Underworld?