Thursday, October 14, 2004

Historic 51st Post

Obviously this is a day of great celebration at my home. It is not everyday that one gets to post his 51st Blog. So without further adieu here it is:

Yesterday I played Battleship for the first time in a long time and it was pretty fun; I also played Jenga, Chess, and Hearts. It was quite the fun time at work.

I also decided that I will no longer support I called their customer support line to ask about a credit transfer on some tickets. It was obvious from the start that the customer service rep that was helping me was not a native english speaker. I thought, "Well that is ok." When I was transferred to another rep I thought, "This might go better." I quickly realized that both of the reps had english as a second language, and though they might be quite adept at helping people from their native country they could scarce understand me. This lead to me becoming frustrated and vowing a boycott on their services, because of their greedy outsourcing. Also it pissed me off because they suck at helping me. I would invite all who read this to join my global fight against the outsourcers.

Well, I also realized that I don't really have Halloween weekend off, I forgot that I took a couple of shifts for a guy.

Aw Nuts


Jules said...

I talked to Pres. Bush today but he didn't seem to think the 51st blog warranted a national holiday. D'oh!

Tyler said...

You should vote Kerry then because he has a plan to have a Federal holiday for the 51st Blog.

Tyler said...

You should vote Kerry then because he has a plan to have a Federal holiday for the 51st Blog.

Rock the Vote!!!!?