Thursday, October 21, 2004

Those Borders Goons

Caution: This blog my contain material that will be offensive to those who like big bookstores, coffee, "intellectualism" without regard to the physical aspect of life, and those who want to be those type of people. Also this blog relies heavily on unfair stereotypes, so please accept my apology to those who think they are excluded.

So I went waltzing into the local Borders today and got a whole bunch of weird looks from all the "intellectual" soft handed nay-sayers that dress up and go out to eat at the Cafe. These thirty-something females with their up-wards of sixty year old men friends must have thought that I looked funny in my running clothes with my face red still from my run. I guess I should have walked in with a Bowfles shirt on, or with liatards from my Pilates.

I would be more angry if Borders didn't pay my rent each month, but these type places are such a haven for the fakers.

Anyway, you get the picture. I decided against writing more. Suffice it to say that from now on I will wear the poorest, most unhip clothes to said store in hopes of unnerving the bloomers, and causing them to think that their haven is under attack by the proletariat.


Jules said...

Well, I'm glad you are using the "bloomers" as an excuse to wear last season's clothes!


The Reimbursor said...

Borders, BN and Lowes all draw the same crowd with their huge brains and moist music.

The Reimbursor said...

Well it looks like those clowns at Borders have done it again. What a bunch of clowns.