Monday, October 11, 2004

New Evidence in GO-GURT Conspiracy

I know this is all over the news, but today on the cover of the Wall Street Journal the headline read, "Go-Gurt All the Rage". In my mind this is the greatest tragedy of the year. I read another, supposedly unrelated article on B12 titled "President Names Spork National Utensil". The connection was clear enough to me. The maniacal Spork Lobby has finally succeeded in their quest to do away with the spoon. Last week unknown to most of the world, the Spork Lobby pushed a bill through Congress that put Go-Gurt on to the presidents plate for the first time. It was expected that it would take several months for the president to agree with Go-Gurt and 'Lose the Spoon'. It seems that his reaction has been quicker than anticipated as he quickly passed Resolution 90-9URT which made it illegal for a spoon to be used in the Oval Office, the US Senate, and the hotdog stands surrounding the Washington Monument.

No one here in this office quite knows what to make of these developments, but the history books will record them as the most lasting contribution of this administration.

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