Monday, October 25, 2004

The Cat in the Boy Suit

I don't want to be a ruiner, but I have some things to say about the Grudge. I agree with the Smeagol when she said it was a bunch of the conventions in The Ring that were scary except there were a lot more of them. I think you see the decomposed crawling girl too many times to be real scared at the end. It is another story with the cat boy. I liked his character because it was the embodiment of the simple cat from outer space and the more complex issued cat from La Mancha.



The Reimbursor said...

I have a grudge against frumix because he told me that he wrote a qbasic dice rolling program but he really just copied it from the example.

The Reimbursor said...


Jules said...

Aw shucks, ruiner.

You too cool for my blogness?