Monday, July 12, 2004

At the end of the day there are only movies left

So if you are still reading this trash, I would recommend stopping because I don't have anything "good" to say. I am just waiting for my wife to get off work. I thought I would discuss the recent political activity so rampant in society these days. Politics isn't interesting though, so I thought I'd write about movies. Once I had a roommate that said something profound. He said, "Everyone likes movies." And its that simple. I also had a professor at my nefarious college say about movies that "in the end you are just sitting there for two hours".

Now much to the chagrin of some, I must admit that the movie media is way out hand. I believe that have adopted the philosophy of greed, and quantity not quality. Unfortunately, so have the movie-going audiences, how can crappy movies keep making money. This also is simple. Crappy people pay to see them. Now, you may be saying that is kind of harsh. I say flippity-flops! Some one needs to let Hollywood, or Bollywood know that we won't stand for some Gladiator rip-off, or even 20 of them. We liked the first one and that is all we need, now come up with something else quality or don't talk to me.

I am coming to understand why my dad likes to watch old movies, and it is because all the new ones suck. Now I realize that I am starting to watch 'old' movies because all the new ones suck. I probably see 5 good movies a year, if that. In fact last year I only saw a couple: Return of the King, Master and Commander, The Big Lebowski, Orange County, and well there it is. At least I can't think of anymore right now, and you're right I'll probably think of a couple more and have to correct myself and look the fool. Oh well.

The point is with so many movies being made how come they can't make a couple more quality pieces.

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