Friday, July 23, 2004

First Interview for a "Real" Job

Well, I feel like I've arrived.  Today I had an interview for a job with a salary, not an hourly wage.  Sadly, I will never get the job, because I'm really not qualified for it.  In fact I sent them the resume with the same hopefullness as some who puts green bottles into the ocean with rescue notes in them.  Anyway, the interview went well, and I guess there is still a possibility that I could get the job, I don't think I have enough experience working with lab equipment. 

So, the job would be as a quality control supervisor.  It would be a great job actually, doing mainly supervision and employee issue stuff, but also doing some lab work.  There would be benefits and a decent salary.  Well, I hope get it.

1 comment:

The Reimbursor said...

Lab work huh? I've done some lab work before. The lab at my in-law's house was always trying to get inside so I had to work on it to make it not want to go inside.