Monday, July 12, 2004

Nothing clever here

Well, I just had an "eye-opener" (meaning I had my eyes pealed). Anyway, I read some other blogs, quote-unquote "professionals", I surmise, and the conclusion I came to was that my blog sucks. I don't have any cool recipes for jamaican clover tarts, or any friends with exotic rug emporiums, or bum leg, or pointed, yet funny, critic of the 1990's, or anything, anything at that is clever. I saw a site that makes you chase the white rabbit, and type stuff in like you are in the Matrix. I just learned that "the internet" is not a place, but a collection of computers that talk to each other in a language called binary, or something like that. In fact I think it might not be binary anymore, now that the internet is so big, I think, well I heard, that its binary with a southern drawl, or a little local color thrown in to win an academy award.
Well, that's all I have to say. Except that if your reading this let me tell that you could be reading something much better. So do it just go on googly and type something you heard on That's So Raven and you'll find something that will blow the blog out of your mind. Go ahead, do it. Come on, do it. Just do it.

It's the question that drives us.


The Reimbursor said...

You're the most raven, I mean, random guy on the world. You need to be happier that you are what you are. Because if the gift the giver gives.

Tyler said...

my husband is so wierd

Jules said...

Dude, are you on something?

The Reimbursor said...

dude, where's my car?