Monday, July 26, 2004

Winzip Unhip!

I have recently made inquiries into the 'hipness' of former essential program Winzip.  Unfortunately what I found kind of made me sick.  The facts of the matter are this Winzip is not hip enough to be included in the manufacturer edition of Windows.  What I mean by that, for those of you who can tell I don't know what I'm talking about, is that Winzip is not on this computer.  That means I can not possibly upload any large video of files of baby W.W.F..  I am sorry, and I send my regards, and I am duly concerned, lastly, sincerely.  Frumix, Thanx


Jules said...

Hey, you want to know something cool? You can actually download Winzip onto the computer. Crazy, huh?

The Reimbursor said...

In all seriouslyness, if you really do want to split the archive, use WinRAR because it can do that kind of thing where as winzip cannot.

The Reimbursor said...

Can you do this to the beach boys?

The Reimbursor said...

Play some Skynyrd!

The Reimbursor said...

Now you're too cool for blogs?